Purchasing a property is most likely the biggest financial decision you will ever make. Whether this is your first purchase or you are an experienced buyer, this decision must be made carefully
Why Do You Want To Buy?
Are you tired of paying rent? Have you decided to pay your own mortgage and not your landlord’s? Have you outgrown your current home? Are you looking for an investment portfolio? Are you looking for a rental property? Would you like a larger yard? Would you rather live in a different area? Do you want to shorten your commute? Having a clear sense of your reasons for buying will help you choose the right property.
Has Your Income Grown?
Property ownership is an excellent investment; whether you are looking for your dream home, a rental property, or to expand your investment portfolio. Owning real estate is one of the least risky ways to build equity or to obtain a greater return on your initial investment.
How we help our clients:
Buyer’s Brokers
- We know how to maximize marketing the property with an emphasis on; interior design, patio and outdoor living, location, third party websites. We also make recommendations on how to alter the property to maximize its potential.
- We know how to maximize income potential and recommend tiered pricing strategies, expense management and competitive pricing proformas along with rental revenue history.
- We provide required furnishings list that keep the property on trend, well-appointed and keep guests returning year after year, season after season and provide five -star reviews.
- Casas de Santa Fe offers a well-located company office in the heart of the downtown business corridor providing a nifty “headquarters” providing easy access for client meetings, mail & package deliveries, guest arrivals, guest departures, vendor key and work order coordination, business center equipment for copies and scans, etc etc etc…